Amp Biosens

Kit for the measurement of catecholamines in plasma and urine

Tyrosinase enzyme immobilized on Screen Printed Electrodes (SPEs)

Measurement buffer

Internal Standard (catecholamines)

Store at 4 ° C for 3/4 months

What are catecholamines and what is their role in the body?

Catecholamines play a central role for the body as neurotransmitters. They are hormones produced by the adrenal glands. In the human body, the most abundant catecholamines are epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (norepinephrine) and dopamine.

Their values are influenced by physical or emotional stress, disease, use of drugs or drugs.

Checking the concentration of catecholamines in body fluids is important as a prognostic marker for various diseases (e.g. neuroblastoma and pheochromocytoma, and some types of cancer). In addition, many neurological disorders and their pharmacological treatment lead to an increase of catecholamines concentration in plasma.

How are catecholamines measured?

The most common methods for measuring plasma catecholamines are by purification and subsequent derivatization for analysis in Fluorimetry and subsequent HPLC or LC-MS / MS assay. These methods are generally long, expensive and require a large amount of organic solvents.

Why monitor catecholamine concentration?

Catecholamines and adrenaline can be quantified in blood, plasma or serum as a diagnostic aid and to monitor therapeutic administration. Endogenous plasma adrenaline concentrations in resting adults are usually less than 10 ng / L, but may increase 10 times during exercise and 50 times or more during periods of stress. Patients with pheochromocytoma often have plasma adrenaline levels of 1,000-10,000 ng / L. The administration of adrenaline for patients with acute heart problems can produce plasma concentrations up to 100,000 ng / L.

Electrochemical detection of the concentration of catecholamines in plasma and urine

Biosensory methodology

Tyrosinase is a polyphenol oxidase that catalyzes the conversion of phenols (such as catecholamines) to their respective quinone derivatives.

Amp Biosens, immobilizing this enzyme on specific electrodes (SPEs), monitors this reaction amperometrically and quantifies the presence of catecholamines in the sample in a short time (about 10-20 min.) without needing organic solvents and reducing the initial investment and managing costs of more complex systems.